Liver Health
Glowing Skin
Weight Management
Cleanse and Renew Formulation may cleanse and restore the liver, gallbladder, lymph, kidneys, body tissues and bowel and assist with skin conditions, itching, acne, boils, detoxification, tissue over-acidity, swollen glands, cysts, enlarged tonsils, boils, and support with weight loss.
Beneficial after vaccinations, assisting and restoring natural immunity and healthy function of the whole body.
Burdock, Cleavers, Dandelion Root, Skullcap, Blue Flag, Alfalfa, Rescue Remedy in a base of demineralised water and alcohol.
- Baby 1-2 drops 3x daily
- Child 3-5 drops 3x daily
- Adult 5-10 drops 3x daily or as directed by health practitioner.
Suggestions for use
- Add drops directly to mouth
- Add to room temperature water and if necessary add a dash of apple juice
Store below 30°C in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight. Gently shake before each use.